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quinta-feira, 3 de maio de 2018

Active life x contemplativa life: which is best?

Marta and Maria sisters of Are Lazarus appear in the Evangelho of Are Lucas (10,38-41) as trustworth models of active life and contemplativa life. It is perceived in the story that Saint Marta is the untiring server who works without ceasing, already Maria its sister is at one's feet the Master Jesus serving to it with listening. The first one is the model of the active life, concern, work and much sweat. Already second it is the model of contemplation, conjunct and worship.
Jesus says in this Evangelho that Maria chose the best part, that is, is with God! But, we cannot affirm that Marta disliked you, why the proper one did not say it, only she exortou it saying: “you walk uneasy very and you are worried about many things” and its sister “was with the best part”! Same saint Marta being in the running of the house was with Ours Sir, however, not total to its feet, but in its physical presence. It so was worried about the domestic tasks that she forgot that God was in its house, nor thus stopped to contemplate it in spirit and truth.

In one another optics Saint Maria left its sister with all the activities of the house, therefore they had been the two that they had received the visit Mr. But, only one materially served it with its physical efforts, was the Marta who was with the worse part. He will be that Jesus does not see these efforts?
Therefore, Jesus wants in teaching them in this Santo Evangelho that it needs the two parts, the active life and the contemplativa life impersonatied in Marta and Maria. It needs yes those that act in the work and the spreading of its Evangelho saint, and of second that they are those that are at one's feet the Master Jesus adoring and glorifying. To know to balance these two realities of the life will be most cautious for our sanctification.

* Wander Venerio Cardoso de Freitas - Theological

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